Voucher FAQs

Can I buy a voucher from the site?

We offer 2 types of voucher to purchase quickly and easily on this website:

  • Experience Hampshire vouchers which are redeemable against any of the experiences on our site. Click here to purchase one of these. These vouchers are usually purchased as gifts to be given to a recipient to be used as they wish. These vouchers can be of any value.

  • Vouchers that are specific to a particular experience. These are purchased at the cost of that experience and can be used by the purchaser or gifted to someone else. You would then need to contact the experience provider direct to arrange a date to take that experience. These can be purchased by searching for the experience that you would like to buy a voucher for and then clicking on the green 'Buy an experience for this experience' button.

FAQs for Experience Hampshire vouchers redeemable against ANY of the experiences on our site ............

Can I purchase a voucher to be used on any experience for any value?

Yes. Vouchers purchased for any value of your choice in multiples of £10

How do I send the voucher to the recipient?

When you buy a voucher on this site, your will be asked for an email address to which the voucher should be sent. The system will then automatically email it to that recipient once you have made the purchase. You will be asked if your would like the voucher to be sent immediately or the sending delayed to a date that you specify (a birthday for instance).

Is there a physical paper voucher available?

We don't normally offer a physical voucher, but if you would like one to give to someone, please email hello@experiencehampshire.uk and we will make arrangements to create one for you.

How long are these vouchers valid for?

These vouchers are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase. We will remind the purchaser by email before the voucher expires.

Will the value of the voucher show to the recipient?

The email voucher that they receive shows who it has been sent from and also the value of that voucher.

What happens if the recipient books an experience that is more expensive than the voucher value?

When a booking is made on our site, the purchaser (the recipient in this case) is able to enter the unique voucher number as full or part payment. If the voucher doesn't cover the full value of the experience, then the balance can be made with a credit card.

What happens if the recipient books an experience that is of a lower cost than the voucher value?

In this case, the recipient would use the voucher to pay for the experience. The system does not currently offer 'refunds' ,but we are happy to create a voucher to the value of the difference. Email hello@experiencehampshire.uk

I have been given an Experience Hampshire voucher. How do I redeem it?

Find a dated experience that you would like to book

Choose the date that you want and follow the prompts to book, including choosing how many tickets you would like

At the checkout page, enter the 8 digit voucher code in the 'Voucher Code' box and click 'Apply'. Please check that the price shown at the bottom has reduced accordingly

Enter your credit card details to authenticate the booking. If the voucher value covers the full cost of the experience, no money will be taken. If the voucher doesn't cover the full cost of the experience, then the balance will be deducted from the card

Having issues or need help? Our friendly team are just an email away - hello@experiencehampshire.uk

FAQs for vouchers SPECIFIC to an experience ............

Where to buy experience days?

You've come to the right place for experience day gift vouchers, especially if you are looking for an experience, workshop or activity in Hampshire, UK

How do I purchase one of these vouchers?

  1. Search for the experience that you would like to buy a voucher for

  2. Click on the green 'Buy an experience for this experience' button

  3. Pay for the voucher which will the cost of that experience

How do these vouchers work?

When you purchase a voucher for a specific experience, you don't, at the time of booking, have to choose a date on which to take that experience. Once you have purchased the voucher, you will be emailed the contact details for the experience provider and you can liaise with them to agree a date to take your experience.

These vouchers can be transferred to others, so can be used as a gift.

How long are these vouchers valid for?

These vouchers are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase. We will remind the purchaser by email before the voucher expires.

Is there a physical paper voucher available?

We would love to post you a voucher to give to the lucky recipient. Just purchase a voucher on this website and then email your postal address to hello@experiencehampshire.uk (click here for a link) and we will get one in the post to you as soon as possible to give to them

Once I have purchased a voucher, am I guaranteed availability for the date of my choice?

Once you have purchased a voucher, you'll be asked to contact our Partner to arrange a mutually agreeable date to use it for that experience. Our Partner will work with you to find a date suitable for you both, but I am afraid that we can't guarantee that a specific date will be available. However, if you would like to email hello@experiencehamshire.uk prior to buying a voucher, we can check with the Partner providing that experience to see whether he/she could offer a specific date.

Still have a question?

Just email us on hello@experiencehamsphire.uk and we'll come back to you as soon as we can

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