
A Year's Supply of Hambledon English Sparkling Wine

Hambledon Vineyard

Experience overview

Experience overview

- The price of this experience is £1,088 including UK mainland postage - Receive a mixed case of six bottles every quarter - 24 bottles in total - Six Hambledon Vineyard branded glasses and a bottle stopper with your first case - First case delivered after booking and then at 3 month intervals Enjoy this gift and discover Hambledon Vineyard's core range of award-winning sparkling wines from England’s oldest vineyard; a piece of British History that is at the core of one of England’s lead...

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Location: Hambledon Vineyard


Hambledon, Waterlooville PO7 4RY, UK


Hambledon Vineyard


By Car from London and Portsmouth (from A3): Exit A3 (Southbound from London, Northbound from Portsmouth) at Clanfield and follow directions for Clanfield. After 1 mile follow road round to the left by The Rising Sun pub. After 200 yards turn right (opposite vintage Jaguar Showroom), and take the road to Hambledon. After 3 miles stay on the road as it bends 90 degrees left by the famous Bat and Ball pub at Broadhalfpenny Down (Hambledon’s famous old cricket ground). Stay on the road and follow ...

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GPS co-ordinates
50.9350634, -1.0777764
What 3 Words co-ordinates
On-site parking available
Frequently asked questions
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Who's going

Gifts for those impossible to buy for people!

Our gift vouchers are the perfect gift for those who have everything or who can never decide what they really want. So whether Granny uses hers for paintballing with her pals or your not-so-little nephew Peter can’t wait to spend his on paddle-boarding - you’re giving the gift of an experience they chose but will never forget.

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